
Rebecca and Edwin, Wonersh, Surrey

Last weekend took me to the lovely Home Counties village of Wonersh in Surrey. I’m a real barn-watcher-geek; the barns in this part of the country are amongst the best and most photogenic barns you could imagine. I wish they published more histories of barns. Nurscombe Barn dates back to the 16th Century and I bet there are some very interesting stories behind some of them.

It was one of those days where you wondered if the weather might be a bit soggy (in true British fashion, there was rain then there was no rain, rinse and repeat…) however as soon as the church formalities were out of the way, so were the rain clouds. In fact, I’m always excited when there are a few clouds because it adds the potential for a dramatic sky.

And a dramatic sky there was. And some of Surrey’s finest fields.

A quick behind-the-scenes shot first. Rebecca literally grabbed the camera from my hands and insisted on taking shots of the crew, her groom securing the light stand…


Luckily Rebecca and Ed allowed me behind the camera again, and because we timed our shoot for sunset, this is the final portrait we got:


Cut to earlier in the day, there were some gorgeous moments by the blossoms:



The groom taking a moment to clear his head before his speech:


Skip forward a few hours. Just as I was getting ready to leave, I spotted an annexe to the barn, and saw an outdoor light flooding through the slats from the side. A few other photographers happened to be at the wedding, and we decided to make a makeshift studio and photograph guests. (One of the photographers even happened to have an orange gel for my light to balance the halogen colour from the light coming in from the side. Wedding guests with lighting gels… nice.)

So after shooting guests for a while in the barn, we tore the newly married couple away from the celebrations for one last late-night portrait:


Then – the fireworks at the end of the evening…


This entry was posted in Wedding.

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